Hello again World! I know I've been absent for quite some time. Sadly Blogger sucks and won't fix an issue I'm having so I've been forced to come up with a temporary solution. The temporary solution might be permanent until I switch my entire site to wordpress and I'm not sure how long that will take... So here I am. :) Did you miss me?
Man, with so much happening in my life in the last 3 months I have no idea what to share and where to begin!
I'm still unemployed... It sucks. But it's obvious God had a reason, with my brother being so ill and me needing to take care of him and help out his business I don't have time to have a job! The last few months have been insane!
I've also been doing well with my weight loss. I'm at 60 pounds down now! I am wearing clothes I haven't worn since 2002-2003! I'm extremely happy! Every day it seems something else shows me how far I've come. I still have about 20 pounds I want to lose but once I get there I may even want to go further.
I've been taking lots of pics! I have no idea if I should attempt to even start posting the pictures I've taken in the last three months. Maybe I can do the best of, which I already do, so maybe one pic of each thing? Ah, knowing me I won't be able to choose just one. But I guess this can work as an update. I'll consider posting pics in the next day or two.
posted by Charity at 11/15/2009 05:04:00 PM