My Observations #2

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These are my thoughts; though they may be public domain, please have enough respect and understand that they are mine and are not for the use of your own deviant agenda.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I'm feeling the need for a change, odd that I've just gone through a fairly large change by getting a job. I'm not sure how to explain it. I've gotten myself into some bad habits being unemployed. And now that I'm employed I feel the need to clean out the bad habits and focus on the things that need my attention. Or I should say, I'm thinking I need to reorganize my priorities.

Family - Specifically my brother Brian who has been dealing with major health issues since August of last year. Not that this needs to change, he pretty much was my priority when I was unemployed. But now that I'm working I need to figure out a way to still be there for him.

Me - This includes personal growth. Time with God, devotions, prayer. This also includes personal hobbies.

Photography - It's a huge part of my life. But lately I tend to take pictures more for others then for myself. I don't go out and shoot just for fun anymore. My creativity seems to be stifled and I've lost some of the joy photography usually brings to me. My friend James has picked up on this and is pushing to keep our photography group alive. I'm grateful to him for that. We haven't been meeting up because of the holidays and our schedules but I'm going to make it a bigger priority.

James is continuing to encourage me to keep my creative photography going. He's started a "365 Project" and I'm thinking about joining him. It's where you take pictures every day of the year and post one of them for each day. I think it would be fun. I probably won't post every day, maybe like once-a-week. But it will encourage me to have some fun with photography daily. I haven't decided when I'll start. It's a commitment I don't want to take lightly.

My Job - I have a lot to learn for my job. They currently work in Drupal technology and I have only touched the surface of it. I need to schedule some time outside of work to study up on it.

Speaking of work, I decided to bake cookies for my coworkers. I let them take the container home over the weekend and the next week I received this picture from them. If you notice what's in their hands, they are enjoying my cookies. This picture makes me smile every time I see it! How cute is that!?

School - So for the last year or so I've been really feeling the need to get back into school and get my BA. I have been accepted at AIU (American InterContinental University). It's an online college. Both my brothers have gotten their degrees there. Its taken me a while to get it all going but now it's in full swing. I should start my first class in March. I'm excited and nervous to take on this additional time constraint only because I'm struggling so much to get a routine going in my life having just started working again. But I figure one class a semester should be an easy way to ease into it.

Weight Loss - I have only lost an additional 10 pounds since the holidays. So that puts me down to 70 pounds lost. I feel fantastic! Though I do want to continue and it's been hard to stay on track for more then a few days at a time. I still want to ultimately lose 30 more pounds. Make it an even 100 lost. I'd be curious if I can do it by June. Then that would put me at 100 pounds lost in a year! I'm not sure I can but I'll enjoy trying!

Anyways, still not willing to post pics just yet. I'll get there guys. If you have my facebook you have the most updated pics. I want to do some adjustments to the site as well. My blog archives aren't working. My info on other pages is outdated. I guess I can focus on that stuff tonight. I'm off to find something to eat.

Greetings Charity, Congratulations on all your life changes! It sounds like you are taking very specific steps to enhance several areas of your life! I also wanted to congratulate you on your recent acceptance to American InterContinental University. Going back to school is a big step, but no doubt having your degree can help build your credentials and give you more options in the future. It sounds like you are organizing yourself in such a way that will lead you to the successful balance of work/school/life. Good luck next month, and if we can support you in any way, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to helping you accomplish your career goals when you near graduation!

Betsy Balachandran
Senior Director of Career Services & Alumni Affairs
American InterContinental University
847-851-5195 or
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